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Amateur Radio Club

The 1980-1981 year has followed a similar pattern where the club has kept in communication with all continents and provided technical discussion and education. The most frequently contacted areas were the U.S. and Australia, but many European and USSR confirmatory cards have been received.
Construction of small projects has been less this year as prices of hardware continue to inflate, but soldering and similar techniques have been practised - along with C.W. (The Morse Code).
Some liaison and help with the computer equipment has resulted with us knowing more about this subject. We have about twelve members, and three who have persisted through from the third form are now very helpful.

Weight Training

After several years struggling up on the gym balcony this activity was given a tremendous boost by the acquisition of the Multi-gymnasium. It was bought from the sponsored shoot money and could prove a great asset to the school for years to come.
The arrival of this new facility has meant that boys are able to use the weights on three nights of the week and to be honest it would appear to have made Thursday afternoon club time almost unnecessary - to judge by the numbers who are now turning up.


The small but flourishing badminton club played its first matches against other schools. The boys were soundly beaten and given a lesson in the levels which can be reached when sport is really competitive.
However, it was never the intention to produce international standards of play and the boys continue to enjoy their sport and are anxious to renew the competition with those teams which defeated them so disastrously.
Their attitude to the game is to be commended.

Pottery Club

Both the junior and the senior pottery clubs have proved most popular again. The juniors in particular value the opportunity to practice throwing pots on the wheel which they have only been introduced to at the end of their first year ceramics course.
A variety of hand built and thrown forms are made by the seniors and the production of their own mugs for use in the senior houses has been popular.

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